LERWA Annual Report 2022

The year 2022 was a year of consolidating on the strategic objective of capacitating communities for sustainable land and environmental preservation and protection through the Forest Garden Fund project with support from TREES for the Future organisation. We worked with over 200 farmers to plant 547,817 trees in eight subcounties of Mulanda, Rubongi, Paya, Kwapa, Molo, Petta, Merikit and Nabuyoga giving us a 623,829 cumulative figure of trees planted over the two year period since LERWA was established. These trees are living fences, alleys, timber, fruit and woodlots and will provide fodder, wood fuel, food, timber, fix nitrogen in the soils, and a myriad of environmental benefits such as biodiversity preservation to the farmers. Over 200 vegetable permagardens  planted with eggplants, tomatoes, onions, collards (sukuma wiiki), aramanthae (dodo), spider plant (akeeyo), cowpeas, etc were established by households to supplement and improve their nutrition & livelihoods.

The Women Permagardening project was also launched within Aturukuku zone to empower women establish vegetable gardens near their homes. Over 16 women were skilled and supported with start-up seeds to establish their permagardens to improve their family nutrition and make them food secure.

In order to provide a platform for the community to share information, the process of establishing a community library was launched by LERWA. The Rieko a Meni Infoshop will be  a space for intergenerational learning where the community will share, learn, train and skill each other in a number of formal and informal learning opportunities.

To strengthen the organisation structure, a new Board of Directors was inaugurated in September 2022. This includes Mr. Olwenyi John Febian (Chairperson), Mr. Othieno Julius (Vice-Chairperson), Ms. Akongo Anna Rose (Treasurer) & Ms. Kasede Regina (Secretary). The highly talented team brings in new perspectives and pledged to steer the organisation to achieve major milestones in achieving her vision & mission of empowering.


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