Reaching Out to Hailstorm victims in Magola sub-county

In March 2021, hailstorms and strong winds devastated Magola sub county particularly the parishes of Papoli, Magola and Poyem.  Over seventy lives were lost during the storms in addition to hundreds of households left without shelter, property and food as the storms destroyed their houses and ravaged their crop lands. Cassava fields (which are the staple food crop of the families in the area) were left bare by the hailstorms. Bananas and other field crops also stood no chance against the storms.

LERWA  reached out to one hundred seventy eight (178) most affected households to offer relief food in the aftermath of the devastation.  From 19th April to 21st April, the most affected vulnerable households (majorly women and youths) were identified and registered by two LERWA Community Mobilisers with support of the local leaders within the parishes.  The community mobilisers visited the identified households to assess the devastation and needs of the households. Although shelter was a crucial need identified, efforts to fundraise for provision of temporary shelter to the households by the organization were futile. On 24th April 2021, all the registered household leaders convened at the subcounty headquarters and  received ten (10) kilograms of maize flour commonly known as posho and five (5) kilograms of dried beans. They also each received a sacksful of cassava cuttings which they were encouraged to plant to ensure food availability in the long term to replace their devastated cassava fields.

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